Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Let's try this again

Over the years I've attempted to do a blog on gaming and sports on multiple occasions. Here's another attempt. As my new job doesn't require writing all that much, I don't feel burned out of typing at the end of the day anymore. And well, I don't want to completely let this skill go to waste. So here I again, I'm going to try and keep up a blog, mostly about video games.

Picked up a  Wii U at a midnight launch a month or so ago, that added to my already mass collection. I also on a 3DS, PS3, Wii, Gamecube, Nintendo 64, NES, DS, Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Color, Gameboy and a Game Gear. And there's the PS2 my brother now has with him. Oh and the gaming PC. All in all I have well over 400 games - documented on my account, XCWarrior there too.

I'll try and give my thoughts on what I'm playing semi-regularly. I'm usually playing about six or seven things at once, so if you don't like the game I'm talking about - come back the next time. Ten to one says I am playing something else on that given day.

Here's to trying to stay committed to this for once.

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